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Karma: For the purpose of the clearings we say that karma is a self-imposed consequence. It's the consequence you unconsciously assign to a perpetration. It's always perfectly appropriate to the perpetration. Most often it takes time to set up life so that the consequence is appropriately meaningful. A significant lie told to a parent during childhood might come back in the form of your spouse/child lying to you when you believe they are telling the truth.

For example: Sometimes the consequence for an abusive condescending put-down, or breaking a time-agreement with someone, only costs you your aliveness at the moment. They don't feel good and neither do you. However, if breaking agreements and communicating abusively has become a pattern for you then you might start to notice respect/alignment/teamwork problems at work, or, even the beginnings of a health problem—my experience tells me the consequence mirrors ones arrogance.

Another example: Most likely your first lie was, "Yes Mom" in response to your mother asking, "Did you brush your teeth?" Up until that time you probably thought your mother could tell when you were lying; which used to be true. Unfortunately that was also around the time that her withholds with your father were beginning to accumulate. Upsets, dissatisfactions, weird thoughts, were being stuffed, ostensibly in support of harmony. These withholds began to cloud the mind occupying space, they began to sap her consciousness.  She began to lose her ability to experience an out-integrity (a worry, a fear, a headache, a question) simply as a vibration. She didn't hear the toothbrush lie in your voice, instead she simply said, "Good night." Most certainly you didn't sleep quite as soundly that night; you couldn't sleep the sleep of innocence, of being in-integrity. The lie, being your very first, weighed heavily. You might have even expected your mother to come in and show you your dry toothbrush. Afterwards you began wetting your toothbrush before bedtime.

What's interesting about one's first lie is it proved that God doesn't punish you for lies, and, that mothers/parents are not all-seeing, all-knowing. From then on the perpetrations began to compound themselves. You were abusive to your playmates, you started fights, you were stingy, and once or twice you hid that you broke things. Still, there didn't seem to be any serious consequences except for the occasional getting caught and its punishment. If your parents didn't communicate openly and honestly with each other (no regular clearings) then you began to accumulate lots of unacknowledged perpetrations. And while it seemed as though there were no consequences you also began to have reading comprehension problems. Your mind couldn't be with certain subject matter—in part, because it was partially occupied with thoughts of guilt and dozens of unacknowledged perpetrations. In other words, there always were consequences, you just couldn't make the connection between perpetration and not feeling good, wholesome, happy, and clear, afterwards.

The Clearing Process presumes the following:

  • All lies and all truths have an effect.
  • An abusive communication delivered unconsciously, non-verbally, has a consequence.
  • All agreements kept and all agreements broken have an effect.
  • Thoughts have weight and mass and occupy space.
  • A significant thought withheld from a significant other occupies space and serves as a barrier to the experience of communication.
  • Communications that are not mutually satisfying are incomplete for one or both.
  • The more unacknowledged incompletes one accumulates throughout life the less they are able to be here now.
  • A lie, deceit, or theft perpetrated when young, that has yet to be verbally acknowledged, is still having an effect on outcomes.

Highlighted words are defined under Definitions


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