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Privacy Policy

We have no reason to contact you therefore we do not require your name.

When you register (free) for one of our message boards/forums you may use an alias user name, however, your email address must be valid so as to deter spamming.

When you use your email application to email your clearings, the moderator replies to your email confirming that they got your communication.

If you wish to communicate or comment about the process (any communication that does not require a response) please use our Message Drop (free - registration required)

Can I be traced?  Yes, it is possible for the FBI to run a trace. For certain it would  cost them several thousand dollars to trace you (budgeted money best used for truly serious cases). Your thoughts and activities are not likely to be important to them. They would have to contact your Internet Service Provider and ask for a log of that day's activities. In other words, when you leave a post on anyone's forum or message board you leave a hidden trail. Most always the trail is one of a set of randomly assigned numbers your ISP's software assigns you each time you connect. For all practical purposes this IP number is not easily traceable. ISP providers do not release such information to non-law enforcement people.

If you wish a response to a post please use our Message Board (free - registration required)

If you have a thought or consideration that is extremely personal you may use our Confidential Mail Form. Content shared via this form, as explained, is viewed and "gotten" by a communication consultant (no questions please).


Highlighted words are defined under Definitions.

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