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Clearing Process for Professionals


Incompletes: One barrier to the experience of success, happiness, and love is the accumulation of life's unacknowledged, unsatisfying, interactions; communication coaches refers to these as incompletes.

Life's less than satisfying conversations keep generating more of the same results in similar present-day situations because there is an unacknowledged lie having to do with the first time it "happened." The mind is not remembering a specific incident, a failed communication, an abusive interaction, accurately. The lie continues to have consequences.

One example might be that you shunned someone in school. Your memory of what happened might be considerably different. It's especially significant if you don't even remember doing it. In any case, it had a powerful effect. It's quite possible that the classmate has yet to recover from the experience of how you communicated with him/her. What's not so easy to see is that your unconscious abuse has had an effect on you as well, without you even being aware of it.

Another example of an incomplete:

The first time a parent swatted you upside the head, ostensibly because you spilled milk, they then sent you to your room. You fell asleep (piling unconsciousness on top of the incident). When you woke, your parent did not acknowledge his/her abuse of you to you. The relationship was never exactly the same. There was always a little bit of fear. That first abusive incident is referred to as the Number One having to do with fear, it affects you to this very day. It remains an incomplete. The Clearing Process triggers memories (many stored in the back of your mind under layers of unconsciousness) of hundreds of such less-than-satisfying childhood incidents. Communicating them disappears their affects.

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