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Communication-Skills Tutorial for Teachers

About the Tutorial:

This tutorial communicates from a different point of view than what's been taught to education majors these past decades—a different communication model. If we continue implementing new programs and curriculums, such as, "No Child Left Behind," "Common Core," "Race to the Top," or "Every Student Succeeds," using the present Adversarial Communication Model, we will keep producing less than satisfying results.

University and college speech-communication curriculums "introduce" education majors to the fundamentals and principles of communication; what's missing are the conversations that come from topics addressed in this tutorial. The ideal curriculum for education and health-care majors would include completing a required Leadership Training Program —one three-hour session per week for all four years.

Problems with children persist when we adults unconsciously lapse into our imitation of communication.

When a student is misbehaving or failing he/she is communicating, as best they can, that something in their life isn't working. They do this to draw attention to a specific problem, an incomplete, a breakdown in communication; the majority of students do not have even one adult with whom to talk about certain thoughts, consequently, student's minds are partially occupied with withholds and incompletes. Thoughts of being yelled at during breakfast occupy space and serve as barriers to communication. A teacher must clear a student's mind (create space for communication to take place) before attempting to communicate subject matter; this skill is not taught to education majors.

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Dear Gabby
A communication-skills coach posts different answers to some advice columnist's letters thereby expanding one's experience of communication.

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