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Definition of Responsibility—a Test

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:52 pm
by Gabby
Definition of Responsibility—a Test:

Ask all the teachers in any school to relate to you the definition of the word responsible and you'll get as many different answers as there are teachers. At first glance this seems to be Trump-like unbelievable,* however, it's supported by the facts—most divorced couples became stuck blaming each other for the breakdowns in communication and, life-time smokers have successfully sued tobacco companies for lung cancer.

  • All breakdowns in communication between two can be traced to the fact that both** have their own unique definition of the word responsible. Specifically, the word "cause" is missing from their definition.
  • If life ain't working as you say you'd like then you have a misunderstanding about the definition of the word responsible.
Here are five Yes/No statements that will either confirm or expand upon your definition of the word responsible. Read and vote—in your mind—yes or no:
  • 1) My leadership-communication skills affect the successes of those around me, at home and work.1

    2) My leadership-communication skills affect my partner's health.2

    3) I have started all the arguments in my intimate relationship.3

    4) How I co-create an agreement determines whether it will be honored.4

    5) Those around me have no choice other than to be as honest with me as I am with them and all others.5
* It's unbelievably irresponsible that an education major can graduate without being clear about the definition of the word responsible.

** The word both is a reminder that a person who is clear about responsibility simply doesn't relate intimately with a blamer. Blamers always attract blamers. A person who operates from integrity can experience another's out-integrity—it's an aura thing.


1 ...successes... If you answered "no," then you are addicted to blaming; predictably you have attracted, or will attract, a partner who blames. You will train them to deceive you, to hide as many thoughts from you as you hide (or have hidden) from your parents. You will (using your present non-verbal leadership-communication skills) train your child to deceive you—your child will simply mirror your integrity. Blamers teach their children to deceive them and others—evidenced by the fact that the majority of teens con each other into deceiving both sets of parents so as to have sex.

2 If you answered "no," then your leadership-communication skills don't inspire those around you to opt for healthy choices. Such a relationship usually means that both have non-verbally agreed; "I won't call you on your stuff as long as you don't call me on mine." (Read: Communications in Support of Health)

3 ...arguments... If you answered "no," then you are addicted to blaming. You have attracted, or will magnetically attract, a blamer; your relationship will consist of lots of breakdowns in communication. More precisely, you are a walking argument, a goader, looking for a sparring partner. You are unconsciously setting up your partner to recreate each and every perpetration, every abusive childhood argument you started (those you have yet acknowledged to yourself or your "victim" that you know didn't feel good), so as to recall and complete those incompletes through to mutual satisfaction.

4 ...agreements... If you answered "no," then you have yet to learn that those you interact with have no choice other than to mirror your integrity. It's time to study the subject of intention, specifically, that we are always manifesting our intentions. When we produce a result other than envisioned we act surprised at the result we produced with our leadership communications—this, because we were unconscious when we made the agreement; when our integrity is out we pay ourselves back by setting it up for others (or the "universe") to thwart us.

5 ...honesty... If you answered "no," then you are unconscious; you are dragging around incompletes into each present-day interaction—life's unacknowledged perpetrations (thefts. deceits, and abuses). Predictably, you will withhold a significant thought from a prospective partner on your very first date; he/she will have no choice other than to mirror your integrity—so they too will hide something significant from you. All divorced couples withheld a significant thought from each other on their very first date. "With 44+ years of coaching individuals and couples I have not found an exception to this phenomenon." —Kerry

Read this definition of responsible and do the test again: A definition of the word responsible.
To restore and maintain your integrity do The [free] Clearing Process.
To restore and maintain the integrity of a relationship do The [free] Clearing Process for Couples.
To restore and maintain the integrity between you and your child do The [free] Clearing Process for a Parent and a Young Person/Teen.

Last edited 3/22/20