Womb-mails — baby's email to expectant parents

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Womb-mails — baby's email to expectant parents

Post by Gabby » Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:35 pm

— a.k.a. An introduction to fetal imprinting:
  • "Imprinting occurs when the mother1 unwittingly projects her unconscious2, unwanted, and unprocessed3 negative4 feelings5 into her still-developing fetus." —Dr. Bernard Bail (psychoanalyst)

    Note: The following footnotes expand upon Dr. Bail's above, circa, 1950's definition.
  • 1 "mother" —should read, ". . . mother and father . . ." A father's verbal, non-verbal, physical and psychic communications (his conscious and unconscious intentions, the very vibrations that emanate from him) affect both the mother and the fetus—it's an entanglement phenomenon. Note: If "therapy didn't work" then it's possible your therapist didn't address the incompletes you accumulated while in utero. The violent abusive yellings, the unethical eating choices, and experiencing the effects of scary thoughts, and a common one, sloshing around in toxins because of not drinking enough water.

    2 "unconscious" referring to thoughts and beliefs a mother has, that she is unaware of having, thoughts that produce more-of-the-same unexpected/less-than-desirable results. I.e. Some mothers NEVER EVER entertain the option of putting their child up for adoption, it's simply inconceiveable. Other parents brought that option into the relationship. Some embryos live with the fear of being abandoned.

    3 "unprocessed" refers to significant recurring thoughts (withholds) that have not been shared verbally through to mutual satisfaction. "Significant" meaning, a thought, which if shared verbally, would trigger upset or anger. Withholds are always being communicated non-verbally, always having a negative effect.

    4 "negative" Should read, ". . . negative and positive . . ."

    5 "feelings" Should read ". . . feelings and thoughts and experiences . . ."

Aloha parent, your baby asked me to compose and deliver the following communications to you. —Gabby

My dearest parents:

Apologies for dumping these in your space all at once; it took me a while to find this forum so as to deliver these incompletes —listed in no particular order.
  • Ouch, ouch, ouch. Be gentle, try no movement; just breathe together.
  • Oooh, that was nice.
  • Hey, what the hell was that? I feel groggy.
  • Mom, please drink some water. You'll know I've had enough when your pee is light yellow. "Eight glasses per day" not six or seven)
  • Hey you guys, play nice. It doesn't feel good, it saddens me, when you walk around upset with each other, it makes me wonder how you’ll treat me.
  • Dad, the other day you were angry and yelled at mom and I didn’t hear you acknowledge the abuse afterwards; it saddened me, conversely (notice my mature vocabulary), Mom you didn't insist that dad verbally acknowledge his abuse. When you let an abuse pass without responsible (from cause) acknowledgment it causes all abuse thereafter.
  • Hey mom, it doesn’t feel good when you drag around worries and upsets throughout the day, it saddens me. Call dad or a parent to clear; even mo betta, do the The Clearing Process.
  • Dad, the other day when you massaged mom's shoulders while she was at the sink it felt good. The same thing happened one time when you massaged her feet.
  • Euew, that’s bitter!
  • H’m, not nice thoughts. They don’t feel good. They sadden me. Don't stuff them, get them out, verbalize them to someone.
  • Too loud; my whole body is like an ear drum
  • Mom, you’ve been withholding thoughts from dad. Please don’t. I can tell when you’re not in-communication with each other. It’s scary, like you might be saving up make-wrongs (withholds) for a divorce. It's painfully sad.
  • I trust you both know that scary news reports don’t feel good.
  • Dad, I know you like punk rock but its angry violent vibrations don't feel good; sounds like you're dragging around lots of childhood anger that you haven't acknowledged and completed. It saddens me. Verbally share every single instance of abusive childhood anger with mom, ideally, with your own parents.
  • Mom, please drink way more water, I'm sloshing around in toxins.
  • It feels so good when you hug each other warmly.
  • Mom, the angrily slammed door didn’t feel good. It was jarring. I had an experience of fear and of sadness for you. I like what you did last week, after dropping the dish, when you patted your stomach and said, “I’m sorry. Did that scare you?” "BTW: It did."
  • Mom, I love your music, especially da kine classic—without words.
  • Mom, I especially like the calming drone of your voice when you read to me. Dad, why don’t you read to me?
  • Hey you two, there's something in the space between us; you both are withholding perpetrations from each other. The deceit doesn’t feel good. It's a painful sadness that's not disappearing. When I grow up should I withhold thoughts from you as you do with each other?
  • While it's on my mind, once I’m out and need to cry, please please, whatever you do, don’t shush me. Don’t try to get me to stop or to be quiet. Instead, intend (yes INTEND) that I cry until I get it all out. Remember, for nine months I had to non-verbally experience all the communications (all the sadnesses) between you two that didn't feel good to any of us, especially those that neither of you has cleaned up through-to-hugging. I'll need to verbally/dramatically communicate those experiences of pain and sadness.

    Part of what my sadness will be about is the way you two don’t acknowledge your abuses to each other. It hurts, it’s fearful. It’s not reassuring. Instead, as I attempt to complete my incompletes, encourage me such as, "Tell me more." "Yes, get it all out." "What else?" "Yes, yes, tell me more." —The Aware Baby
  • It's been more than three days since you last warmly hugged each other.
  • I can tell when you are loving each other and when one of you is harboring a resentment or withholding some significant thought from the other; I can feel myself starting to get nauseous; I'm thinking the negative vibrations might be affecting my immune system.
  • It's so much easier for me to focus on my health and growth when I don't have to concern myself with prolonged anger issues between you. Please verbalize your fears with each other.
  • BTW: You guys can ask me if there's anything that's bothering me, just speak to the belly (a little fetus humor); you'll hear my considerations in your own mind. And, most importantly, verbally share with me your concerns, fears, and worries. It's perfectly OK with me that you didn't want me or that I was an accident; what doesn't work for me is if you don't verbally share such thoughts with each other and with me. The very first thought either of you hides (withholds) from me will automatically grant me permission to hide thoughts from you.

Both of you please do The Clearing Process so you can do The Clearing Process for Couples together, and later do the Clearing Process for a Parent and a Young Person/Teen with me.

Trailer of film In Utero (about imprinting).

I love you.

Last edited 5/3/24

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