Predetermined karma?

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Predetermined karma?

Post by Gabby » Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:50 pm

  • 1) All lies and all truths have an effect. For example: If, when you were ten-years-old, your mother asked if you had brushed your teeth and if you lied, and you have never verbally1 acknowledged that specific lie to your mother, then that2 lie is still affecting outcomes to this very day (both your outcomes and hers).3

    2) Our integrity is such that we won't let ourselves get away with a perpetration. We "award/thwart/punish" ourselves appropriately at the perfect teaching-point time.

    3) The karma for an unconscious lie is different than the consequences for a conscious lie. The above tooth-brushing lie was a conscious lie (you actually chose to lie); it's been having undesirable consequences ever since then. Most divorced couples lied unconsciously when they vowed, ". . . till death do us part . . ." (both were clueless as to the significance of their vow). —the unconscious lie affected (predetermined) the outcome of the marriage.

What is karma?

Karma refers to the consequences of behaviors, both good and bad. For example: If you yell at your child and you don't clean up the abusive incident, through to mutual satisfaction, then that abuse has (as you would have it) undesirable consequences for both you and your child—for life. Once you verbally acknowledge the abuse to your victim, the negative karma is virtually disappeared. I.e. Father to son: "Son, I get that I what I said this morning didn't feel good; it was abusive."4 Such an acknowledgment completes the incident; the abuse no longer negatively affects the father or the son or the mother.5 The memory of a completed incident may be recalled years later, absent any of the emotions at the time, and it no longer affects present-day outcomes.

What does predetermine karma mean? Predetermined karma refers to the consequences of an incident that has yet to be acknowledged and cleaned up to everyone's satisfaction. For example: The perpetration (say, abusive infidelity) you commit today begins to negatively affect your results and will continue to do so until the deceit has been acknowledged and cleaned up. That specific deceit predetermines the results you produce using your leadership communication skills—for life. It was and remains—until it has been acknowledged—as a fork in the road. BTW: As we assume, in perhaps another time-line or universe, at that fork in the road when you did not deceive, you produced different results.

What are the karmic consequences of a perpetration?

Some karmic consequences: Others, or "the universe," frequently thwarts us, people break important agreements with us, lots of failed goals, mechanical failures, "accidents" and breakdowns in communication.

An unacknowledged perpetration occupies space in the mind. It's referred to as an incomplete. Incompletes cloud the mind, they serve as barriers to the experience of communication. A mind that contains one or more unacknowledged perpetrations has less space for creativity.

Most everyone has proved conclusively that God does not instantly strike one down for the first lie they tell to someone of significance, it does however, become their first incomplete. Usually it's not until we have accumulated dozens of incompletes do we notice that people are breaking agreements with us and studies don't come easily, perhaps we begin to have health issues, and, we seem to magnetically attract those who have the exact same integrity issues (cons attract cons, controllers attract controllers, withholders attract withholders) there are no exceptions to this phenomenon. We attract partners who also hide their perpetrations and who cannot be trusted to consistently honor all agreements (read about entanglement).
  • There's no research/evidence to prove this—but, just as we know that all lies (each and every one, even purposeful deceitful omissions and white lies) have a negative effect—we somehow know the above is true.

Put another way, once you decide to communicate openly, honestly (zero significant withholds), and to honor your agreements then you'll begin to reap the karma of an honest person.

1 The word "verbally" refers to the fact that you have been communicating the guilt of that perpetration non-verbally all these years. A person of integrity can experience that something's in the way of communication taking place between you, that you're dragging around one or more incompletes into each new conversation. BTW: We do this in hopes of finding someone sharp enough to support us in restoring our integrity, someone to respect, one whom we can't con.

2 "that" lie has affected your outcomes because it was a conscious lie; it also has been affecting your parent's outcomes because it was an unconscious perpetration. It's unethical to set someone up to lie—that, and the fact that she was unconscious—her mind was so clouded that she could not hear your lie (something a conscious mother can immediately tell). In this instance, your mother was dragging around a life-time of unacknowledged perpetrations such that her mind had become clouded; she was not in present-time. She was dragging around hundreds of similar lies that she also had yet to acknowledge to anyone. BTW: Infidelity takes place in a mind occupied with incompletes, between two who are withholding an equal number of thoughts from each other. Read In Preparation for your Child's First Lie.

3 Arrogance is believing you got away with it. All arrogance begs to be humbled; as such, most everyone crashes and burns (divorces, accidents, financial/health issues) to support them to acknowledge (clean up) life's perpetrations.

4 Notice that an acknowledgment is not about apologies, excuses or explanations. It's a simple what's so communication.

5 A conscious mother can tell when there's an incomplete in the space. A partner's job is to support the integrity of their partner and child. Enabling-silence condones abuse which reaps its own karma. If a child ends up judging one parent as being more abusive then the child has a misunderstanding about responsibility (a clever, unethical "victim" turns a child against their partner). All recurring child abuse is enabled by a "good" parent stuck in enabling. A responsible parent does not submit their child to another 24-hours of non-verbal abuse by a partner who needs therapy. It's as difficult for an enabler to complete his/her addiction to enabling as it is for an abuse addict to complete his/her addiction to abusing and to being abused.

For more about how your beliefs today predict your future, specifically, whether you are ripe for eventually declaring bankruptcy.

Last edited 3/22/20

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