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Who causes a snake to bite?

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 1:28 pm
by Gabby
Who causes a snake to bite?
  • If you, knowing most snakes bite, put your hand in a snake's den, you'll most likely cause it to bite you.
  • If you, knowing there are karmic consequences for each and every deceit and lie,1 date someone who verbally/non-verbally supports you in deceiving your parents, their parents, or others, then you will cause them to deceive you.
  • All divorced couples (yes all) simultaneously withheld one or more significant thoughts from each other on or before their first date—both had entered the relationship with an addiction to withholding perpetrations (deceits, unacknowledged abuses, and withholds) between them and their parents.
Snakes have no choice; they are programmed to attack anything that upsets them. The same applies to dating someone addicted to withholding, to abusing and to being abused, to deceiving and to being deceived. An abuse addict has absolutely no choice other than to magnetically attract a fellow addict, such is their addiction. Why? Because we need to find someone to perfectly mirror our integrity; we do this consciously or unconsciously to trigger our unresolved incompletes so as to create the opportunity to restore our integrity.2 Incompletes serve as barriers to manifesting ones stated intentions.

If you date someone whom you can con into deceiving both sets of parents so as to have sex with you (behind their backs), if you, using your leadership-communication skills, non-verbally enable your date to deceive his/her parents, then you will cause (create) more of the same abusive deceit throughout the relationship. Like a snake, abuse addicts have been programmed to attack when upset, more accurately, when they cause you to upset them; you will also cause him/her to blame you. All abuse addicts introduce their "potentials" to their dysfunctional family (the parents who trained them to abuse and to be abused) thereby submitting him/her (and their family) to your family's abusive interactions—for life.

With spouse abuse there are no victims or bullies, only sparring partners both addicted to blaming abuse. With coaching, an infidelity "victim" can be guided to recall the deceit of theirs which non-verbally granted permission for their partner to deceive them. With 44+ years of coaching thousands I have not found an exception to this phenomenon. —Kerry

One way to complete life's unacknowledged perpetrations, ones incompletes, to restore ones integrity back to squeaky clean, is to do The Clearing Process. Then invite your date to do it also, then, when they have completed their clearings, you both can do the Clearing Process for Couples; both processes are free.3 If your partner declines your invitation it's most likely he/she is hiding a deal-breaking consideration.

1 Lies and deceits that have not been verbally acknowledged and cleaned up through to mutual satisfaction.

2 Within a single conversation a well adjusted person, who communicates responsibly, (from cause) can experience (it's an aura thing) anothers integrity, whether they are whole and complete or if they are dragging around a life-time of unacknowledged perpetrations, incompletes left over from childhood.

3 If you are afraid to invite someone (a date or your spouse) to do The Clearing Process then the relationship (in its present form) is all over except for the drama. Your fear will destroy the relationship—unless you locate and disappear your fear—you're looking for a specific childhood incident that has yet to be resolved through to mutual satisfaction.

Last edited 1/11/20