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Awesome communications—teen, marijuana, with parents

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 2:38 pm
by Gabby
If you're a teen, and you've been thinking of trying marijuana, the thought of sharing your very first joint with your parents is either:
  • 1) Incredibly exciting!
    2) Frightening, I'd be afraid to even talk about it with them; we don't communicate very well and I know they would blow-up; they'd come up with new, more specific, rules about pot.
    3) Impossible! No way! You don't know my parents (even if I dared to invite them the invitation conversations-lectures would not feel good).
No matter your reaction as you read the above it does bring to light something about communication, teens, and parents.

The majority of parents are unconscious most of the time; few parents are aware enough throughout each day to notice when they are teaching their child to deceive them, to lie.* The proof of this is the fact that the majority of teens con each other into deceiving both sets of parents so as to have sex. Neither a teen nor his/her parents have realized that unacknowledged perpetrations karmically doom all relationships even before the first date. Such ignorance, such arrogance (believing a single lie doesn't have an effect), begs to be significantly humbled.

Note: The consequence, the karma, of a burn by fire is instantaneous. The karma of a lie such as, "Did you brush your teeth?" appears as/when you'd expect it to, when it's appropriate, when it's least wanted—often, later as an adult when you're ready to learn, when you get everything (health, happiness, and prosperity) going nicely.

Most marriages are karmically destined to fail, in part because both partners bring a lifetime of unacknowledged perpetrations (lies, thefts, blames, deceits, gossiping, abuses) into the relationship. Most divorced couples swore to God, ". . . till death do us part . . ." Teens addicted to withholding thoughts from parents magnetically attract fellow withholders (it's described as an entanglement phenomenon) —both teens needing to see themselves in the other. Here's the tragedy of this never ending story; as new parents they will be teaching their child to lie because their parents didn't tell them how they taught them to deceive. Most parents don't know how they did it; they don't know how they trained their child to be deceptive. Their newly wed teen will pass on this hidden skill accidentally, as it's been done for generations.

Some hold that teens are driven to drugs because they are not in-communication with anyone. No one has taught them how to create joy through communication—so they search for an experience of love elsewhere. They know their parents love them but they haven't experienced the experience of love for a long time. Teens who are not warmly hugged each day seek anyone to hug them.

True or False:
  • The majority of teens who smoke pot do not have close loving body** hugs with either their mother or their father throughout most days?
    All teens who are misbehaving/doing poorly in school are hiding one or more significant thoughts from someone of significance? The premise: One can't recreate another's communication accurately (a teacher's lessons) if there is deceit in the space.
    The majority of teens are hiding one or more significant thoughts from someone of significance?
Presently your child goes to bed each night with dozens of unacknowledged perpetrations, including thoughts they have withheld from you throughout the day. Here's a tip to that creates a safe space for others to communicate openly, honestly, and spontaneously with you, zero significant withholds:

Do The Clearing Process.
Then, invite a parent (or a loved one or friend) to do the process.
Then, together, you can do The Clearing Process for Couples.
If you're a parent you can then do the Clearing Process for a Parent and a Young Person/Teen with your child at bedtime.
(all the processes are free)

Another tip: Ask each parent to share the worst thing they ever did. Ask: Did they smoke and did they have teen sex? Ask: What has been the worse deception of your life? Most parent hide their biggies from their child; the child grows up trying to be as good as they believe (or were led to believe) their parents were. Parents experience the undesirable karma of hiding thoughts from their child—not demonstrating how to communicate embarrassing thoughts and perpetrations.

* All education programs begin with the first communication. Few parents are aware of the very first incident (the interaction, the communication) that began to teach their child to deceive and lie.

** Family members who hug "A-frame" style are withholding one or more thoughts from each other. Families who hug closely, pelvis-to pelvis, are in open, honest and spontaneous communication with each other—all embarrassment, uncomfortableness, and associated thoughts, have been verbally communicated and disappeared.

Last edited 5/5/21