
To request a free consultation, or to participate in conversations on the free Open Forum for Teachers and/or Parents, or to do the free Teacher's Communication-Skills Tutorial, we first need to agree upon which definition of the word responsibility we will use.

For example: If we were to ask all the teachers in any school the definition of the word responsibility we would get as many different answers as there are teachers. The point being, that within any school system there is no agreement as to its definition; consequently, there's lots of blaming communications in our newspapers about SAT scores, teacher's pay, poor parent participation, sloppy homework, etc.

This lack of agreement, this inconsistency, makes it difficult for a student to be clear about responsibility.

Here's examples of different interpretations of the word responsibility:

  1. "I'll accept 50% responsibility for starting the fight." (implying, as long as you also accept 50% — but you must do it first)

  2. "I'm not responsible for starting the fight. I just sat down and he hit me."

  3. "All I said was, 'I'll sue you' and then he hit me. He hit me first, I didn't start the fight."

  4. "He hits me all the time. I'm not responsible for his anger." The implication being—there's absolutely nothing about my leadership-communication skills that causes him to hit me.

  5. "He rear-ended me at a stop light. I'm not responsible for the accident." Here the "victim" is ignorant about the difference between guilt, liability, and responsibility.

  6. "I can't be responsible for a student's poor grades when parents send their child to school without the homework done."

After you read the definition of the word responsibility, as used throughout the tutorial, there's a brief exercise to support clarification.

Click the Continue button to read, "A Definition of the Word Responsibility." You are not yet agreeing to do the tutorial.

Note: To register for a consultation or a free tutorial North American English must be your first language.