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Home-schooling Speech-Communication

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:27 pm
by Gabby
The pandemic presents home-schooling parents with the opportunity to formally (more effectively) introduce their children to the interpersonal, intrapersonal, and intercultural communication variables that affect outcomes. Along with the variables that affect outcomes is the subject of potential (the space from which all communications are created).

Speech-Communication is an awesome curriculum, it affects all concerned—for life. Keep in mind that the majority of parents, using what they learned K-12, teach their children to deceive them; evidenced by the fact that most teens con each other into deceiving both sets of parents so as to have sex—all experientially ignorant of the lifetime effects of deceit. In other words, if you are presently withholding significant thoughts from your spouse; your child has had no choice other than to mirror your addictions to withholding and deceiving.

One of the disadvantages of home-schooling is that students don't get to experience the powerful non-verbal/psychic communications (the effects of leadership) a Speech-Communication teacher has on all the teachers, students, and the community. Most home-school parents are teaching (modeling) what they can remember from their various communication courses. However, few parents teach what it took a professional teacher-coach years to learn. Such (I can do it myself) arrogance has consequences, yes? A school with a "trained" Speech-Communication teacher does not have poor teachers. Why? Because a "trained teacher" would not work in a school that allowed (non-verbally supported) its students to be submitted to another day with a wanna-be educator stuck-in-the-process-of-becoming a teacher. In other words, few schools have a speech-communication teacher who has also completed a Leadership Training Program.

Back in "our day" Sp-Com teachers did not teach us how to complete incompletes so as to create space to manifest our stated intentions. As you can already tell, this stuff ain’t taught in schools. How to get marijuana-high via a single sit-down conversation ain't taught either; ergo, many parents unconsciously drive their teen to do drugs, in part because the teen doesn't experience the same giggly happy humor at home as they do when out smoking with friends. Between friends, teens don't tolerate abuse, whereas most teens believe they are powerless to effect harmony between fighting parents.

For example: A parent who is withholding one or more significant thoughts from his/her partner/spouse will eventually discover they trained their child to deceive also; evidenced by the fact that the majority of teens con each other into deceiving both sets of parents for their first sex—none effectively introduced to the lifetime consequences of a single unacknowledged deceit.

Community Communications is a home-grown in Hawaii, 501(c)(3) educational organization, a true non-profit—offering free leadership-relationship communication-skills coaching for families on the island of Hawaii. A coaching session can be thought of as a melding of the Hawaiian process of Ho'oponopono (reconciliation, forgiveness, correction) and Western and Eastern leadership-relationship training.* "Correction" as-in, getting back on course. For example: A parent who is deceiving their partner will begin to notice behavior/developmental problems with their child; an integrity issue between parents affects a child's growth compass. The difference between a training and a class, a course, a seminar, or a workshop is the results. With training, one learns exactly what the trainer intends, one can't fail. When communication takes place it affects one for life; the results are observable (noticeable) by others. Our workshop participants report that decades later they still find themselves using and recalling what they experienced during a workshop—their own coach sitting on their shoulder—supporting them for life.

The prerequisite for free family Zoom/Skype coaching is The Clearing Process, also free, no hidden offers/fees. Parent(s) living with the child(ren) must complete The [free] Clearing Process. Upon completing The Clearing Process we will schedule a free 3-hr Zoom/Skype or telephone session (myself as a coach and your family).

Note: We do not call or email you without your request, nor do we invite you to do other courses. We provide cleric/attorney-like confidentiality. I.e. Client: "I ran over someone when I was a teen and never reported it." Coach: "Thank you. I got that. Is there anything else about that?" Nothing else, no advice, no non-verbal, self-righteous, condescensions.

* History reveals that the Leadership-Relationship Communication Model used by Hawaiians caused Westerners to take advantage of them (not unlike a wimpy spouse surrendering to a control freak so as to survive). To this day many Hawaiians still blame haoles for the results they, the Hawaiians, produced using their native leadership-relationship communication skills. The blaming continues with their ineffective communications about the observatories on Mauna O Wakea. None called a haole Communication Coach to ask for support with their "stated" intention. And, the Western Communication Model (academically referred to the Adversarial Communication Model, supports win/lose at the expense of others; with bartering, it causes one to feel as though the deal wasn't fair. The ideal is to master both ways of communicating. The word "stated" refers to the fact that their unconscious intention was to fail—apparently until they master communicating (different than talking) with haoles.

** Few parents operate at the level of integrity it takes to effectively communicate to their child subjects such as agreements, acknowledgments, responsibility, integrity, withholds, incompletes and perpetrations. For example: If you are withholding one or more significant thoughts from your spouse/partner, then you have trained him/her (and your child) to withhold the exact same number of thoughts from you. You are unconsciously mirroring the integrity of your school's teachers. A person of integrity inspires. I.e. The admonishment, "Don't abuse others" when hypocritically delivered by a parent who seldom, if ever, acknowledges their abuse of their spouse (in front of their child) produces a child who seldom acknowledges their abuse of others.

Tip: Teens pout, misbehave, fail in school, or even get sick, to draw to someone's attention that they are not in-communication with anyone, that they have not been acknowledged for several "good" and "bad" deeds. None have experienced a bedtime clearing process. The adults around him/her have become stuck doing their imitation of communication.

Last edited 1/2/24