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Fun dating games: Show 'n tell, etc.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:46 am
by Gabby
Some fun things to do on a date with a prospective partner (pre-engagement).

Ask them to show you what it sounds, looks, and feels like when they are angry." Full violent rage sounds frightening so, do consider who might overhear you. Virtually no couple when exchanging vows can imagine the violent abuse both will eventually inflict on each other. Few discuss how to handle this eventuality—when it does happen. I.e. "What should I do or say when you're angry and blaming me?"

Ask, "What's the worst thing you've ever done?" This question creates a context for honesty, zero secrets.

Ask, "What thought are you hiding from me?" —for fear of me not wanting to see you again. Assuming of course that you intend to be honest with them.

Here's a great dating conversation topic: "Can we agree that cheating (or any deception) is an automatic relationship ender, with absolutely no second chance?" Read: Creating a marriage vow that precludes cheating, etc.

Can we agree that if either of us cause the other to hit them that both of us will attend weekly counseling until we both feel safe?

Assuming you've done The Clearing Process you can invite your date to do it; then you can do the Clearing Process for Couples together—it produces experiential intercourse.

Last edited 10/3/21