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Hydration and groggy baby

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:19 pm
by Gabby
Three possible causes for a baby who appears to be drugged, who looks groggy, one who doesn't look happy and energetic, one who cries a lot.
  • — During pregnancy the mother didn't drink enough water* to flush out the toxins throughout each day.

    — Instead of doing the recommended readings and exercises designed to manage birthing pains the mother opted for a pain relief drug during birthing; a percentage of the adult dosage of the drug is still in the baby's blood stream.

    — Both parents are addicted to arguing, yelling, blaming and deceiving each other, they submitted their baby to scary vibrations** throughout the pregnancy; neither have verbally acknowledged to the other, or their baby, their abuses. Unacknowledged abuse and withholds between parents usually causes excessive crying, the baby doing its best to restore the integrity of the family. (The Aware Baby)
Suggestions: Do The [free] Clearing Process. Then invite your partner to do the process. Then both of you can do The [free] Clearing Process for Couples. The processes will complete the incompletes and restore your integrity and the integrity of the family. If nursing, drink 8 glasses of water per day.

Upon completion of the processes you'll notice a dramatic change with your child and your partner.

* Water: Eight 8oz glasses per day

** Emails for expectant parents

Last edited 8/7/21