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How to end a relationship

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:33 pm
by Gabby
That you were tempted to read this tip suggests a misunderstanding about relationships.*

One cannot not have a relationship. We are always having a relationship with everyone; with some we interact frequently and, there are millions and millions we have yet to meet, still, we are all related.

In other words, one cannot "end" a relationship; one can only complete it in its present form (read about estrangement).

If you are not experiencing love with someone it doesn't mean the love is not there, it just means that you are not in-communication with him/her, there are some conversations you've yet to have with him/her; specifically, you are withholding one or more significant thoughts from him/her or, you are non-verbally blaming them for a result you produced with your leadership communication skills. A truth communicated responsibly, from cause, disappears the negative karma of blame.

Love, like water on the other side of a faucet that is turned off, is always there. Love is not dependent upon proximity.

* If for example the title was, "How to use a light switch" you would simply ignore it because you already "know."

Last edited 11/21/19