Have you thanked "God" for your cancer?

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Have you thanked "God" for your cancer?

Post by Gabby » Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:17 pm

One often hears from a cancer survivor, "Thanks to the grace of God my cancer is gone/in remission." Seldom, if ever, does one hear, "I thank God for giving me cancer." Never have I heard a parent say, "I thank God for giving my child COVID and for killing her."

Most "believers" have a unique definition of the word responsible —missing from their definition is the word cause; they blame someone or something for creating the illness but say/believe that God cured them.

A belief shuts down the mind, it rules out other possibilities. How about? "I had been lying, blaming, deceiving, and verbally abusing others, so much so that it affected my immune system—so I paid myself back by giving myself cancer; however, I began journaling and did The [free] Clearing Process (it's about acknowledging all of life's perpetrations and restoring one's integrity) and amazingly, I healed myself." Or, "Through my belief in God I both created and completed my experience of cancer."

Last edited 2/8/23

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