The Clearing Process
Confidential Mail Form

If you'd like to get something extremely personal off of your mind this is the place. It's similar to what Catholics call confession. Communication consultants call it clearing or emptying the mind. It works. No advice is given and anonymity is assured.

Use this Confidential Mail Form to clear your mind or to send us a confidential message: It will not be posted for others to read.

If you wish to share thoughts that are possibly legally incriminating, a felony, rape, murder, etc. —bookmark this page, close your browser software, reopen open it, and log on to and then come back to this page.

It's not necessary to concern yourself with spelling, or punctuation, spontaneity is more important.

Begin your message with a code such as ZXCV. Then when you look in the Confidential Mail Entries you'll be able to identify that we got your message.

Include your email address in the message only if you wish a personal reply.

What happens once I send my message?

We get your communication. To "get" means: We intend that you intend to be complete about it. We add nothing, especially no judgments. We post a coded message on the Entries File so that you will know we received it.

For example: "Dear ZXCV: We got your 10/30/03 communication. Thank you." 

Although the process seems simple, it's truly very powerful.

During our Advanced Communication Workshop we do several communication processes that allow people to remember and communicate childhood incompletes. Stealing, lying, cheating, drug stuff, inappropriate sexual activities or thoughts, abusiveness, unfaithfulness, even murder are some of the memories. Yes, you read correctly, murder. Workshops are magical in that they are a safe space to tell the truth.

Here's a sample of a clearing that will give you a place to start from, an example of a mind intent on acknowledging anything that pops up, when it asks itself, "What are you hiding?" or, "What are you afraid to communicate to who?"

Here are some other examples that will help you look for incompletes. These things, held on to, kept to oneself without sharing them, weigh more heavily on your mind that you can possibly imagine. The incompletes occupy space and get in the way of you creating new things you say you want. Once communicated, which is different than told, or said, or talked about. Once communicated the charge that's attached to them lifts and creates space for the experience of communication to take place.

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