Teacher's Tutorial Supportive Questionnaire Form

To optimize your tutorial please complete this questionnaire.

Reminder: English must be your first language or, you must be as fluent in English as you are in your native tongue.

All fields required

Please select the correct answer
School name
School city
School state
Average number of students per class?
Percentage of your students who do their homework each day as you envision?
Percentage of your students who behave supportively of your teaching style?
Percentage of your student's parents who attend your homeroom/PTA events? Count one or more adults showing up for a student as 100% for that student.
Do you have student behavior problems that get in the way of you teaching your subject matter?
Enter first and last three charactors of the word register.
For Office Use Only. Do not put anything in this field.
Topics you would like to discuss:
  Creating agreements with students
Creating agreements with parents
Peer & supervisor relationships
Communicating subject matter
Support with salary negotiations
Describe a result you would like to produce through your communication skills that you are not now producing. For example: I'd like to be able to communicate homework in a way that causes all students to do it completely and neatly all of the time.
Upon pressing the Submit Questionaire button you will be taken to the Registration Form.