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Got a friend or relative in prison?

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 1:12 pm
by Gabby
Approximately 42% percent of the nation's parolees return to prison, in part,* because upon parole they resume relating with parents, relatives, and friends whose leadership-communications skills did not inspire integrity throughout childhood.

In other words, how you, as a parent, relative, or friend, communicate affects others.

Children always mirror the integrity of their parents. Most children try to be like or try to not be like one or both parents. Finding/knowing oneself gives one choices.

Parents with a child in prison have not been acknowledged (caught) for their own, mostly childhood, perpetrations (first lie, first abusive communication, first deceit, first theft); all (yes all) are deceiving each other, or someone, about something significant, and, both parents are withholding one or more significant thoughts from the other—there are no exceptions to this entanglement phenomenon.

Few parents immerse themselves in therapy while their child is in prison; few have the realization that it was their leadership-relationship communication-skills that drove their child to jail. Virtually none can recall the specific incident, (the incomplete) that was the turning point, the fork-in-the-road incident with their child, after which nothing was the same.

* Another significant cause for recidivism is that most are paroled without having acknowledged (been caught for) the perpetrations they committed prior to the one for with they were incarcerated, and for the infractions they perpetrated while in prison. Note: Parole Board Members are not skilled at eliciting the truth, ergo, they can't/don't hear the lies and omissions during a parole board interview—and the fact that all Parole Board Members (yes, all) are dragging life's unacknowledged perpetrations into each present-day interaction, affecting all results. None have completed anything similar to a process such as the Clearing Process for Professionals —it's about restoring and maintaining one's integrity.

Read: Parole—The First 24-hrs

Last edited 10/23/21