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Educators with a failing student

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:25 pm
by Gabby
There are teachers and there are educators.

All educators (those with teaching degrees) with one or more failing students have become stuck doing their imitation of communication; they are somewhere en-route to becoming a teacher. None have discovered (at the level of knowingness) the correlation between personal integrity and results. Integrity as a communication variable is presently not taught in public schools.*

It's easy to tell if a school has a penmanship "teacher," its students can demonstrate legible penmanship. Educators believe that what they know about communication is what it is.

All educators with one or more failing students have an integrity issue in one or more of their personal relationships. That is to say, education majors are granted a teaching certificate without having cleaned up their familial relationships; all (yes all) are withholding one or more significant thoughts from someone of significance.** All, yes all, are dragging around life's unacknowledged perpetrations (referred to as incompletes, into each new interaction affecting everyone's outcomes. With 44+ years of coaching I have not found any exceptions, not one. —Kerry

* Very few educators continue to study communication with a coach; coaching allows one to see that their leadership-communication-skills are responsible (cause) for all results; when a mind stuck in arrogance reads this it shuts down. Continuing education courses for educators are taught by the very same educators who enabled deceitfulness; they, themselves, are out-integrity.

** Children have no choice other than to mirror the integrity of the adults around him/her. If an educator is withholding a significant thought from someone of significance (if they have become stuck deceiving someone) then their out-integrity serves as a barrier to communicating subject matter. Deceit always produces less than desirable outcomes.

*** An educator will proffer excuses and reasons for poor penmanship or grades; a teacher is unreasonable.

BTW: Speech-Communication Departments nationwide are considering adding mandated Leadership Training for all education and health-care majors. Presently the speech-communication classes, courses, seminars, programs, workshops, tutorials, and independent studies they offer cause more than 25% of the nation's college applicants to require remedial composition and comprehension courses to learn what their K-12 "teachers' failed to communicate. Colleges have become dependent on revenues from remedial courses.

Last edited 3/22/20