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Tip for Catholics

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:21 pm
by Gabby
If life and relationships aren't working as you'd like—if you and yours are not experiencing happiness and joyous love throughout each day, then your integrity is out.

If you are a practicing Catholic (regular or occasional confessions) and you're not experiencing happiness and joyous love throughout each day, then your integrity is out.

If you have hid one or more perpetrations* from your Priest then it's most likely that "God," or you, as your "God-self," have been paying you back for your deceits.
  • Premise: All communications (verbal, non-verbal, physical and psychic) have an effect, including conscious and unconscious lies and abuses; lies such as, ". . . till death do us part . . ." sworn by many divorced couples, and abuses, such as withholding a significant thought from a loved one." **

There is a free communication clearing process that restores one's integrity.

The significant difference between a confession and a clearing process is that with a communication clearing there is no penance. A communication-skills coach doesn't consider a perpetration to be "bad." A lie is a lie; it's neither good nor bad. What doesn't work is if you drag feeling badly into the next interaction with anyone. A coach is skilled at "getting" (recreating any communication) so that you no longer have it, you're no longer at effect of it.

* "perpetrations" A perpetration is anything you've done or not done for which you feel badly. Good and bad deeds, abuses (verbal, non-verbal, physical, and psychic (such as unconscious hexes), badmouthing, deceits (thoughts withheld for reasons). A perpetration has nothing to do with legality or the law. Children lie and adults are abusive to each other, that's what's so. It's the hiding (not verbally acknowledging/admitting) a perpetration (for another 24-hours) that produces undesirable karma for yourself and all with whom you relate.

** If there is, or has been, deceit in your primary relationship you'll notice that you began the deceit on your very first date, during which time you withheld a significant (usually deal-breaking) thought. Typically, dating teens hide things such as herpes, a prior abusive relationship, or that someone else would be upset if they knew about the date, or the biggie—that your family is dysfunctional). You brought your addiction to withholding significant thoughts into your relationship. What's also true is that your partner is withholding an equal number of thoughts from you (yes equal). Withholders magnetically attract partners who will mirror their integrity; there are no exceptions to this phenomenon.

Consequence test:

Let's say that you brilliantly, perfectly, punish you for conscious and unconscious*** perpetrations. Let's also agree that an unacknowledged perpetration affects our aliveness, our outcomes, our very health. "Unacknowledged:" A lie you have yet to verbalize (to admit) to anyone.

  • What should the consequence(s) be for lying to a parent and for never having verbally acknowledged that specific lie to the parent?
    What should the consequence(s) be if you cheated on a test?
    Should the consequence(s) be more or less if you have never acknowledged to anyone that you cheated?
    What should the consequence(s) be if you lied, or omitted something significant, on a job application form?
    What should the consequence(s) be if you lied on a tax form?
    What should the consequence(s) be if you are deceiving (withholding a significant thought from) a parent, spouse or supervisor?
    What should the consequence(s) be for conning a date into deceiving his/her parents so as to have sex?
    What should the consequence(s) be if you lied (deceived) a teacher, a counselor or a member of the clergy.
    What should the consequence(s) be if you've led your child to believe that there is a God, that your God is "the" God or if you have not made it clear that God and religion is a belief system?

Would any of the above perpetrations have affected your aliveness, your outcomes, your prosperity, your health?

*** Unconscious lies. If as a teen you, in your high school clique, participated in trash-talking someone then that's considered unconscious abuse. Since then you've learned that it's unethical to talk stink about someone behind his/her back. Conscious perpetrations have a more appropriate consequence than if you were simply ignorant.

Last edited 1/28/24