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The Affirmations Process—it's free

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 1:37 pm
by Gabby
Definition of affirmation: 1: the act of affirming 2: something affirmed 3: a positive assertion 4: a solemn declaration made under the penalties of perjury by a person who conscientiously declines taking an oath. An affirmation can reinforce both desired and undesired behaviors.

An affirmation can be unconscious, say to continue creating accidents so as to be right, "Something's wrong with me, I'm accident prone," such as, "Oops, clumsy me" (as in, I'm a clumsy person) or "I'm sorry" (as in, I'm a sorry person).

Here's an example of a positive affirmation as pertains to behavior change: If you repeat "I am a loving person" (in writing or verbally) 25 times per day you will soon experience yourself as a loving person*even though you now know that you have not been. Repeating anything such as a mantra or a chant gives the mind something to do other than letting it run wild thinking thoughts that create more of the same; an affirmation rewires the neural network of your brain, it replaces the well-worn paths of self-invalidation, worrying, thinking about a problem, feeling bad or guilty for something, blaming another, and the biggie, making oneself wrong for an abusive communication.**


Select one of the following affirmations. Write it down 25 times each day. As you write, "I'm a loving person" it will trigger any reasons (considerations) you may have that "prove" you're not loving. Simply notice the thoughts and continue writing until you get that you are in fact a loving person. The process lays down new neural pathways. Coupled with The Thank You Process, you'll soon find others and yourself thinking and behaving consistent with you being a loving person.

  • I am a wonderful person.
    I experience being prosperous.
    Others love and support me.
    I am a loving person.
    I love everyone.
    People like to spend time with me.
    My food supports my health.
    Money comes to me when I need it.
    I am acknowledged by those close to me.
    Learning comes easy to me.

It's recommended that you also compose your own custom-made affirmations.
You can rotate through the above affirmations, a different one each day.

* As you repeat an affirmation it will trigger thoughts (considerations) that have been servings as barriers to you experiencing yourself as a loving person; just notice the considerations and keep repeating the affirmation. At first, the process might trigger thoughts, incompletes, withholds, or unacknowledged perpetrations that beg to be shared verbally with someone, ideally the person with whom you are incomplete. Use The [free] Clearing Process to bring to the surface incompletes hiding in the back of your mind, thoughts that get in the way of communication.

** For more [free] affirmations and a more detailed explanation.

Last edited 1/22/24