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Instructions for viewing/posting/replying

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:03 pm
by Gabby
Mouse over title to get a sense of the topic:

These letters are primarily used as reference material for our various communication-skills tutorials however, you may read, reply, or ask Gabby your own question.

To post NewTopic or Reply:

Press register: (it's free). You may use an alias username and your own password but you must enter a valid email address.

Upon submitting your registration you'll receive an Activation email asking you to confirm your registration.

To Login: Enter your username and the password you chose.

When asking a question, or replying, or posting a comment about a letter press the "POSTREPLY" button.

To start a new letter with your own question press Ask Gabby your own question.

Posting/Replying reminder: Check the "Notify me when a reply is posted."

If you have been referred to a letter while doing a tutorial you can simply close this window and your tutorial will be there.

Thank you,
