Who gets what in a divorce?

Your answer to this question can determine whether your marriage communications will be mostly pleasant or if there will be lots of arguments ending in an acrimonious divorce. That is to say, your answer now predicts the future.

If you have lots to learn about gender bias, sexism, condescension, manipulation, abuse, responsibility, surrender and control then there's a 40-50% chance (ChatGBT4) that you'll end up arguing during a costly divorce settlement process.

Here's a typical scenario: A couple fall in love just prior to them graduating at the same time from law school. They have virtually no money, both are estranged from their parents. The man immediately gets a job with a law firm so they get married. The husband makes lots of money. They have two children. Within ten years they have a house, a vacation cottage (both with lovely furnishings), two cars, a 25' sailboat, and several substantial investments. The wife served as homemaker and family manager. They become unhappy and decide to divorce. The wife wants half of everything. The husband is outraged and (unilaterally using divorce settlement money) hires an expensive attorney sincerely believing that because he did the work he's therefore entitled to more than 50%. The side you take now in this scenario determines your future; it possibly determines whether you'll have a happy, prosperous, healthy marriage or an acrimonious divorce. If you side with the man then you will end up arguing violently and you'll have proven my point. Amongst enlightened couples it's a given that service empowers; it's every much a skill as any other. The test of whether or not the wife was in-service is the income, their possessions and their overall good health. Hour for hour they both contributed the exact same amount of time and intention to the marriage.

What's not commonly known is that we all have the exact same amount of support skills. Some of us use our leadership-communication support-skills to forward others in winning, and some of us, because we have a different set of support skills, unconsciously support others in plateauing (hanging out in mediocrity), and still others are unconsciously driven to support failure, to take as many down with them as possible. The way to tell how you've been using your support skills is to look at the results those around you are producing. Seldom is one aware that they are supporting their spouse/child in failing (doing poorly in health, school, or at work) —from one's perspective they honestly believe they are trying hard to support success.

A free 3-hr consultation with a communication-skills coach can reveal whether you are on the way up or down. Keep in mind that very few therapists also have a master's degree in speech-communication; they honestly believe that what they know about communication is communication. I know of no college or university that requires education and mental health majors to complete a four-year Leadership Training Program.

If you are thinking about getting married then read: Must-have conversations to have with your steady/fiancé.

BTW: The "victim" of an unfair divorce settlement is unaware that they are stuck in blaming and in lying. They have manufactured all sorts of reasons, none of which are the truth, as to their cause in the matter. They haven't accepted responsibility for masterminding the divorce and its outcome.

For example: It's not that the wife above didn't know up-front her husband's position about money and possessions, it's that she refused to discuss such beliefs with him during the engagement so as to be clear; she arrogantly believed that her marriage would be different, that it would work in spite of the statistics. Arrogance begs to be humbled. Notice the word "refused" —she did have the thought to bring up the subject and dismissed it, for reasons, underneath which is fear.

Do print out this tip and share it with your partner.

Last edited 2/12/21

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