

Dating tips for lookers


This tip is for those looking for a full time partner, perhaps even marriage.

It's possible that if you have been dating one person and are considering marriage then this tip is probably too late, however, here are some considerations for those still shopping.

If your date tries to talk you into having sex behind the backs of your parents then your marriage will be fraught with deception. An honorable person will not support you in deceiving your parents. The karma of enabling deception is exactly what you want and expect it to be.

An honorable date will introduce you to his/her parents. This is important because you will be able to observe how your date treats his/her parents.


A date who doesn't insist that you meet his/her parents communicates volumes about their family, specifically, that they don't supervise them. Quite often such a date is starving for love and will marry the first person who will have them just to get away from their family and the limited-prospects-of-a-future community. Often such a date will not have applied him/herself in high school and so they are karmically destined for a life of mediocrity (taking their partner along with them).

Teen girls: If you've conned your date into continually begging for sex then the relationship is doomed. In other words, if you've been using your leadership communication-skills to seduce a man into begging for sex then you are not in-communication with him. Specifically, there is fear in the relationship (you are most likely afraid that a "no" will cause him to stop dating you). When a person of integrity says "no" they mean it. When a woman cons a man into repeatedly begging for sex then he intuitively knows, with certainty, that she doesn't mean no. It also implies that she can probably can be conned into forgiving the first incident of cheating. A man cannot respect a woman he can con, a women who lies; such a woman communicates—if you jump through enough of my hoops I'll give you sex.

Teen boys: Conning a girl into having sex behind the backs of her parents reveals that your parents did not teach you respect. In truth you cannot respect a girl whom you can con into deceiving her parents; forever you will treat her with condescension.

How your date treats clerks and waiters is an excellent predictor of what's to come? You will be able to tell instantly what you can eventually expect. That is to say, a date might be able to act polite and considerate for single occasion however, his/her programmed behaviors will surface; most often you'll notice that they are condescending, rude, or inconsiderate.

Always ask about prior relationships. How your date describes what "happened" with ex-relationships will let you know if they are addicted to blaming and badmouthing (yes, it's an addiction as difficult to address as alcohol). If you hear them blaming and badmouthing, if you end up not liking their ex (never having met them) then your date is addicted to blaming and badmouthing.

Here are four free communication processes that can create (or restore) the experience of integrity within a family. It's not too late.

Last edited 4/21/21

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