Clues that predict bankruptcy

This tip could also be titled: Clues to knowing if you are supporting your spouse positively or negatively.

Bankruptcy: When one conducts business irresponsibly/unethically and can no longer pay their bills on time they file for bankruptcy; this procedure, though legal is unethical. It's unethical because it knowingly, with premeditation, causes fellow merchants to whom one owes money, to lose money. Bankruptcy is abusive; it's a communication that doesn't feel good. All abuse, especially premeditated abuse, produces undesirable karma.

The premise of this tip is that everyone who has viewed the Godfather trilogy knows that a Mafia spouse, using her leadership-communication-support skills is in fact responsible for all the killings, all the illegal activities, all the outcomes she and her spouse co-produced. To deny this is to deny the positive support other spouses produce. In this scenario a Mafia spouse makes survival more important than her integrity and the integrity of her spouse. She refused to acknowledge the source of her husband's income, yet we all know that she did in fact know.
* In other words, all spouses are responsible for the losses they and their marriage partner co-create and inflict on others; this includes the spouses of all stock brokers, investment bankers, and CEOs. I.e. All bankers can, with incredible accuracy, determine whether you are likely to repay your loan responsibly. It is unethical and irresponsible to lend someone money whom you intuit is a poor risk.

Clue #1 Premeditated abuse: Your position now about bankruptcy determines whether or not you will be able to create and sustain the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. In other words, if you presently make decisions with the idea in mind that if things get bad you can always file for bankruptcy then this premeditated option, to cause fellow merchants to lose money because of you, always results in failure. Bankruptcy is the ultimate make-wrong communication to ones parents, family, friends, teachers, and the community. Why? Because it's always premeditated.

Clue #2 Supportive abuse: A spouse/partner of someone who has filed bankruptcy can, with coaching, always locate the first interaction (the specific communication) that led to the bankruptcy. This incident is referred to as the fork in the road, the moment in which the "innocent supportive observer" became cause, not only for their spouse's failure but for the financial losses of merchants throughout the community. In all cases of bankruptcy there is an equally powerful "supporter," a manipulator addicted to blaming, to sitting back pretending they were not responsible for the financial losses of other merchants.

    "Spouse/partner" here meaning, the one who silently supported his/her partner in playing big-shot business-person who knowingly forced others to wait for agreed-upon monthly payments, in screwing over other merchants. The spouse of someone who files bankruptcy is equally responsible for the failure; he/she made something more important than insisting (up front prior to the engagement) that his/her spouse honor all agreements to include paying all bills on time, no excuses no reasons. Given the significant number of Mafia wives who outlive their husbands (or whose husbands are in prison for life) it could be said that they cleverly masterminded the demise of their husband so as to survive.

For example: A husband wants to be a self-employed mechanic. He and his wife decide to borrow $5000.00 for new automotive tools (it's understood that one must always have the means to pay his/her monthly payments in the event of an emergency). If the husband and his wife want to buy a set of tools then both must (up front) consider what they'll do if they can't meet a monthly credit card payment. How they plan on handling that possibility is a predictor of the types of problems they will co-create together. Monthly payments for any purchase must always be less than the amount they could raise during a garage sale. Debts must be less than one's liquid assets (possessions that could be sold immediately, at a great loss, in a garage sale so as to not thwart a fellow merchant).

Continuing with this example: Before his very first customer the mechanic husband breaks his arm. A $150.00 monthly payment for the tools is due and there is no money to pay the bill. What does an ethical responsible person due? It's too late. This couple was already out-integrity. The venture was doomed to fail. They should not have bought the tools. He isn't ready to be self-employed.** One's monthly payments must never be more than what he/she can raise at an emergency garage sale. How one plans to handle such contingencies determines the future. Arrogantly refusing to look at the possibility of a customer not paying their car repair bill on time, of losing the lease on the garage, of being fired, of a possible health problem, and as is presently the case, a poor economy. Any of these factors can affect one's ability to pay his/her bills on time. If this couple owns a snowmobile, a TV, and a dining room set, the total garage sale value must always be more than the total cost (plus interest) of the tools. Why? Because at the time the monthly tool payment is due they would have to choose, to hold on to their possessions and screw over a merchant, or, sell something so as to pay their bill per the loan agreement. If one enters into a marriage with the option to not pay a debt on time, then karma will ensure that the couple will not be successful.

* The spouse could sense that something about the way their partner was doing business, specifically purchasing new and expensive items and services without knowing with certainty that they have sufficient collateral or liquid assets to cover monthly bill payments/debts.

** In Japan an apprentice serves a successful master/manager a minimum of ten years and in so doing earns the respect and support of his/her employer and the local merchants. This is because it's known that no matter how talented and educated a novice might be it still takes ten years to develop the habits of consistently showing up on time, of being trustworthy enough to be able to be counted upon to get the job done no excuses no reasons, and of honoring ones word.

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