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Text of The Completion Process —following is for anyone wishing to facilitate clearing a person in the process of dying.


As a Completion Process Facilitator you must have completed The [free] Clearing Process for Professionals, else, it's unlikely that you will be able to create a safe space for the honoree to recall certain hidden, embarrassing/uncomfortable things/accomplishments for which they have yet to be acknowledged. Put another way, that which you are hiding from someone (anyone) will serve as a barrier for you to be experienced as a safe space to tell the truth.


The Clearing Process will create space for you to create space for communication to take place with the honoree and those in attendance.


Notice that there are no instructions on how to invite the honoree or how to start the process—this is because the words must come from a mind that knows the value of clearing from having completed a clearing process themselves. Once you've done a clearing you will know with certainty the value of clearing. Your job is to create space for the honoree to die in peace completely acknowledged—nothing left unsaid.


For example: If your parents advised you to eat correctly and they themselves were unhealthy/overweight, then their advice was delivered as "good ideas" rather than from direct natural knowing experience; and so your mind has not been able to assimilate their wisdom—in part because it was delivered from hypocrisy. The same applies to teachers who try to teach responsibility but they themselves are not clear about it; ergo, a graduate successfully sued a cigarette company for lung cancer and another teacher's graduate sued McDonald's for a hot coffee burn.


Ask the following about ten times:


1.  For what in your life would you like to be acknowledged?
2.  Who in your life would say that you treated them unfairly?

3.  What good deed have you done for which you have not been acknowledged?

4.  Communicate a resentment.
5.  Tell me your most recent upset.
6.  What would you like to hear—from whom?

7.  What would feel real good to hear someone say to you?

8.  Who in your life would say that you owe them something?
9.  Who in your life would say that you have not been generous with them?

10. For what in your life are you ashamed?


One of the main values of having a leadership-relationship communication-skills coach to facilitate the process is that a coach communicates to the self within the honoree. The same question asked by a person who is quite honest (but not totally honest with one or more people) will not elicit the same responses to any of the questions. A coach can experience when thoughts are being withheld.


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